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We Are Marist

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

We believe in something bigger than ourselves. 

Students holding cross
Students preparing to process at Mass

We believe in something bigger than ourselves.

植根于圣母兄弟的价值观,我们力求体现谦卑和同情在我们所做的一切. 在这里,各种信仰和宗教身份的学生都有一个共同的承诺,即为最需要帮助的人服务.

At Central Catholic, 您将体验到个人成长的包容之旅,同时对世界产生积极影响.

We are Marist & Catholic.


以圣马塞兰香槟的愿景为指导, 我们立志通过服务和领导让世界变得更美好.




Alessandra Sacchetti '24
Alessandra Sacchetti '24
Alessandra, Senior





Navin Ramesh '24
Navin Ramesh '24
Navin, Senior





Alyssa Furtado '26
Alyssa Furtado '26
Alyssa, Sophomore



Be Marist. Make a Difference.

中心鼓励学生通过精神和道德的成长来改善世界, hard work, and meaningful connections. While they may not all share the same faith, 他们都受到我们共同的天主教价值观的启发,为最不受欢迎的人服务,并在与上帝的个人关系中成长. 

At Central, 服务将塑造你是谁以及你如何生活-以及每天发展的机会, practice, 表达你的信仰会帮助你建立一个坚强的道德基础,这将支持你的生活. 

Students completing service

The Marist Service Experience

所有学生都参加我们的圣母服务体验, known as One Day, 中心天主教高中的学生为最需要帮助的人提供至少一天(24小时)的服务. 

超过80%的CCHS学生的奉献远远超过了他们一天的服务,并继续帮助那些有需要的人. 该计划源于中央天主教高中的使命:让耶稣为人所知,为人所爱, to educate the whole person, and to serve others, especially the least favored.

服务项目和机会旨在帮助学生发现他们如何通过领导和与最不受欢迎的人建立关系来改变我们的世界. 学生们经常自愿花时间帮助穷人, the homeless, the sick, the elderly, those in nursing homes or assisted living, 以及那些精神或身体上有挑战或有特殊需要的人.

Being Marist

Marist News

Group of students outside

The Class of 2028 came together on Friday, September 13, for Freshman Orientation. 这一天作为一个介绍是什么使中央天主教独特的新生开始学习它的意义 be a Raider and to be a Marist.

Students on beach at Camp Champagnat

At the close of each academic year, 学生领袖们前往奥西比湖(NH)为中央天主教的马里斯特营 Camp Champagnat Leadership Institute, aka Camp Champ, aka Camp Champ, an overnight, 学生组织的圣母领袖营,为即将升入CCHS的二年级学生, juniors, and seniors.


6月19日星期三,一群学生破土动工 St. Marcellin Champagnat Peace Gardens in front of the Hampshire Street Entrance. 和平花园是今年夏天校园里发生的四个令人兴奋的项目之一.

Students leaping on beach

On Tuesday, April 23, the Class of 2027 traveled to Camp Marist 在新罕布什尔州的奥西比湖上探索作为一名突袭者和一名马里斯特人意味着什么!

Student at Podium

Central Catholic wishes you and your families a Blessed Holiday as we celebrate the Joy & Promise of Easter! 感谢校园事工,感谢礼仪乐队 & Chorus, and to all those who contributed to our Holy Week Prayer Service in the Memorial Gymnasium on March 28, 2024.

Construction of Marist School in Madagascar

As a Marist school, we are participating in the Marist Brothers' Province-wide Solidarity effort to build a multipurpose hall at a new Marist school in Madagascar. Students are invited to participate in a Dress Down Day on Friday, April 5 in support of this effort.

The Campus Ministry Team

Mrs. Victoria Izzo Blaszak

Mrs. Victoria Izzo Blaszak
Campus Minister

Mr. Timothy Hart

Mr. Timothy Hart
Campus Minister

Bro. Rene Roy

Bro. Rene Roy
Campus Minister